Texas Property Tax Appeals

What to Do If You Think Your Texas Property Tax Appraisal is Unfair

Many homeowners in Central Texas have suffered from “sticker shock” when receiving their 2022 tax appraisals.  In Travis County, many properties in certain areas have appraised for up to 42%-50% more than in previous years. If you as a property owner disagree with the amount that your property appraised for, it makes sense to file a dispute and have the appraisal evaluated by the Appraisal Review Board in your county. This year, the filing deadline was May 16th.

Reasons to Protest Your Texas Property Tax Appraisal

Some of the reasons a property owner in Central Texas may choose to dispute their property tax bill are if they believe that the property was unequally compared,…

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Who What and When of Texas Property Taxes

Texas has over 4,100 local governments that assess and collect tax dollars from home and property owners that live in their jurisdictions. You pay taxes to school districts, city and county governments and probably some special districts such as water, hospital and sometimes to a junior college.

Each of these taxing units has a governing body that determines the amount of taxes they want to make their budgets and they set their own tax rates. Most of these local government entities contract with the county tax-assessor collector to collect their taxes for them.

With this information in mind, it behooves the Texas home and property owner to know where their money is going and what the budgets are for the taxing units in their local community.…

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Help with Texas Property Taxes

One of the hottest topics being discussed right now in the Austin area is Texas property taxes. It can be confusing and frustrating for homeowners who are trying to navigate their finances in this economy. To try to help our friends and neighbors make sense of the Texas property tax system, the Crawford Realty Group will be offering a series of informational blog posts to help us all gain a better understanding of what it is, how it works and solutions for those who need help with their property taxes. Whether you already own a home or are planning to buy a home in the Austin area, this series in for you!

One thing to be aware of is that the State of Texas does not have a property tax. All taxes are determined and collected by local governments…

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